
Preeti Mohan
3 min readNov 9, 2020

They don’t need someone to speak for them or something to push them. They are ever-present and ever moving.

Listen to them carefully when you can, because they can tell you everything you want to hear from others.

Those times when you feel alone, you are not actually alone because you can find a constant bickering companion in your thoughts.

Your thoughts create you, even though you think it’s the other way around. Pick up any self-help book and you will get this line etched in bold letters, repeated many times in different manners.

You are your thoughts!

Why then, do we fail to understand the power of our own thoughts? Why, even after reading so many books, and advising so many people, we would love to be just like we are, stagnant. There is some comfort in being exactly the way we are, I do understand that. This is turning out to be a personal article/ diary entry. There is much difficulty and fear in moving forward because it holds thinking about ‘ tomorrow’, a word feared by many and loved by a few.

Then what is the way to welcome tomorrow with open arms? To not fear it? As is said by 'Guy' in the spectacular film ‘Croods’.

Follow the sun and you will make it to tomorrow.- by the guy in the movie “The Croods”

So, why does he say that? What significance does the sun hold?

It used to really irritate me when my parents asked me if I have a goal in mind for the future, I mostly ran away from this question. Most of the time I used to think of myself as a protagonist in a movie, I’d often hope this for me, everything will appear, magically, strengths, goals, love, etc. On top of that, all my weaknesses and hardships will be skipped, exactly like in the movies. I guess many of us are guilty of this. But then what happened? I realised it was not going to help me move forward. I realised I was running away from tomorrow and hence I couldn’t see the sun. Let me tell you I thought of all this while I craving the sun, not understanding why I couldn’t feel it because the path to the sun requires facing its immense heat.

Are you ready to do that?

Maybe I can help you in some way.

  1. Don’t think of your dream
  2. Don’t run after your thoughts
  3. Do exactly what you were doing and be content in it.

What the fuck is she even saying? Nothing encouraging here! Well I told you, I could help you but I won’t because it’s your path. Believe in your thoughts and in turn believe in yourself.

Happy Monday 😁

